Friday, April 15, 2011

Texas Unemployment Stays Below National Average

There has been an increase in jobs across the state in a variety of areas. An increase of 37,200 jobs to be exact. It is so pleasing to see something positive like this. Our unemployment average went from 8.2% to 8.1% staying below the national average of 8.8%. The biggest increase was seen in professional and business services adding 10,800 jobs to their market. Next was leisure and hospitality adding on 9900 jobs for their industry. Mining and logging added 4300 jobs, trade, transportation and utilities added 2300 more jobs, and construction added 2200 jobs. The trend has continued consistently for months now. This is great for our state moving toward our goal for jobs in our state for every individual who wants to work. Our job market and people are so diverse that we really have a step ahead for creating and maintaining a great statewide trend of employment for our citizens.

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