Friday, April 15, 2011

My thoughts on Nick Benoits article

I have to say this is something I feel very strongly about. I am so glad that steps are being taken to curb obesity but I feel the same as Nick that this should have been started a long time ago. I guess the biggest effects of the overload of technology and devices that do not promote physical activity has really become so apparent in the last ten years or so. What happened to PE everyday in elementary school like when we were kids. Personally I would rather the day be alittle bit longer for my kids and have that available to them than not. It isn't offered until 7th grade now to do that and join athletics. By that time kids have already put on extra weight that could have been curved. Ofcourse most of the responsibility belongs to the parents. Parents need to turn of the TV, computer and video games and kick their butts out the door and say go climb a tree, ride your bike or something! They're missing out on some of the best parts of being kid.

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